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Johanna Olsen Brown is an interior architect/designer who has completed a variety of projects in a number of countries since 2000. Her work incorporates a range of skills including Master Planning & Change Management, Creative Direction, Concept Design & Space Planning, Architectural Documentation & Detailing, Furniture Design, Product selection, 3D Presentation, Environmental Branding and Photography.


A native Swede, Johanna has spent many years abroad living in places like Australia, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland and the US.
Johanna possesses a great passion for design, which ensures she is both a valuable team member and an inspirational team leader. Her strength lies in her ability to clearly communicate ideas, both visually and verbally and realise projects that are highly functional and aesthetically inspiring.
She successfully applies design principles and problem solving skills to a range of projects, varying in scale and function, providing the client with a highly individual & tailored design solution based on their specific needs and the design brief. Her skills range across a variety of design disciplines, which allows her to visualise a holistic design resolution, ensuring a coherent brand & design outcome.
Please get in touch to discuss any future work opportunities or possibilities for collaboration.

Johanna Olsen Brown är en inredningsarkitekt/ designer som har genomfört en mängd olika projekt i flera länder sedan 2000.
Hennes arbete omfattar en rad olika kompetenser, bland annat övergripande planering och förändringsledning, kreativ ledning, konceptdesign och planlösning, arkitektonisk dokumentation och detaljutformning, snickeri- och möbeldesign, produktval, 3D-presentation, varumärkes-anpassning och fotografering.

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